Tuesday 12 May 2009

The Lantern Society Radio Hour. Episode 10. 7th May 2009.

The Lantern Society Radio Hour, hosted by Trevor Moss, bringing you the best live performances fresh from the stage at London's Finest Folk Club, The Lantern Society, at the Betsey Trotwood, Farringdon Road, London, every first and third Thursday of the month.

Episode 10 recorded on 7.5.09 features live performances by Danny Wilson and his Champions of the World, Piney Gir, Jason McNiff and more of your favorite regular Lantern Players, including Benjamin Thomas doing a Hankdog this week, and interviews with prolific band member guitarist Garo Nahulakian, and Andy Bruce.


Playlist for Episode 10. 7.5.09.

Piney Gir - Say I'm Sorry
Benjamin Thomas - Dogs of War
Danny and the Champions of the World - Truest Kind
Jason McNiff - Bella Chao
Interview with Andy Bruce
Peggy Lee - Fever
Bob Dylan - Mr. Tambourine Man
Tyrannosaurus Rex - Salamanda Palaganda
Paul Simon and the Jesse Dixon Singers - Sound of Silence
Benjamin Thomas - Speed of the Sound of Loneliness
Piney Gir - All the Wonderful Things
Emily C Smith - Giant Girl
Interview with Garo Nahulakian
Jason McNiff - Off the Rails
Danny and the Champions of the World - These Days

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