Tuesday, 10 March 2009

The Lantern Society Radio Hour. Episode 5. 5th March 2009.

The Lantern Society Radio Hour, hosted by Trevor Moss, bringing you the best live performances fresh from the stage at London's Finest Folk Club, The Lantern Society, at the Betsey Trotwood, Farringdon Road, London, every first and third Thursday of the month.

Episode 5, recorded on 5.3.09, features Benjamin Thomas, this time with his full band, interviews with Abi and Kelly regarding their charity work in Cambodia for the Mines Advisory Group, and Geoff Widowson's adventures in the desert with Hollywood's favourite primate 'Y', aswell as performances from a whole host of wonderful Lantern Players and our 'On This Day' feature.



Playlist for Episode 5. 5.3.09.

Trent Miller - Heart of Darkness
Dan - Matchbox House in Stepney
Interview with Abi and Kelly for the Mines Advisory Group
Benjamin Thomas and his Band - (unknown title)
Charlie and Naomi - Sister
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
Patsy Cline - Your Cheating Heart
Carolyn and Ste - Blues Run the Game
Sam Marais with Henry Dingle - Head Held in My Hands
Interview with Geoff Widowson
Benjamin Thomas and his Band - Paradise Lost
Pepe Belmonte - The Boys and Girls of Country, Rock and Roll, Soul, and Blues
Ruth Jacob - Bed of Wires

Visit Trevor Moss & Hannah-Lou

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1 comment:

    Really enjoyed this night. Highlights were BT Band 'Dreams of High Quality Truth' being their first song. C&N's 'Sister' song was really great and I want to have the MP3. Trent Miller sounded sublime. Pepe Belmonte keeps getting better and better. I also loved C&S's version of 'Blues Run The Game.'
    You guys are doing a great job, I look forward to the compilation CD. You should get people to list their favourites, what they'd like to see on there. Maybe that's just what I'll do...
